Tuesday, June 7, 2022


The Higginsville Ministerial Fellowship members have been busy talking about race relations.  They provided a book study to the community titled, 

Under Our Skin:

Getting Real about Race. Getting Free from the Fears and Frustrations That Divide Us.

On June 17,2022 at 4 PM, Reverend Dale Felder, moderator, will guide a panel of leaders to discuss this topic.  The panelists moderated panel discussions from their congregations and the community.

Panelists are Father Tom Hawkins, Rev. Dr. Greg Fine, Dr. Bonita Givins, Rev. Andy Mockridge, and Rev. Wilbur Conway.

Everyone is welcome even if you haven't read the book, yet.  We would like all ages of people to come and listen and ask questions or give comments.

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