Saturday, June 20, 2015

Thanks for all of those we came and celebrated the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth today in Higginsville from 10 am to 2 pm. We are most appreciative of Reverend Mary Williams for being our chaplain and providing us with inspirational words, prayer, and blessings. Also, we had such a grand day with those who joined in the morning program by giving us a selection and inspirational thoughts. It is always a blessing to sing, "Lift Every Voice." We couldn't have had a great pot luck lunch without the help of so many donations of food!. The Greater KC-Leavenworth Chapter of the 9th & 10th Horse Calvary gave such an outstanding educational program with Donna Madison giving a heartfelt and personal sharing of her father, the late James G. Madison, Donna's portrayal of Cathay Williams, and Trooper J.R. Bruce's sharing of the history of the Buffalo Soldiers. Our day also included solicting and encouraging people to volunteer to help us have a great 2016 Juneteenth. Special thanks to Ron Miller for helping us with our music, and amplification! Citizen Telephone volunteers filmed the Buffalo Soldier portion and it will be aired on the community access television. We appreciate the Higginsville Advance for documenting the day for us, too. Thanks to everyone!!!!!!

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