11:00 am - 1:00 pm Soup & Chili Fundraiser
There will be soup, chili, desserts, and drinks included.
We will have voters' registration and info about the Real ID that has a deadline of October 2020. There is a 50-50 Raffle, Soul Sweet Cakes Silent Auction, and special music. Come and view our 2019 Juneteenth Celebration video short program that was created by Peter Wilkerson. Videos will be on sale for $8. Our fundraiser is for our upcoming celebrations.
1:30 pm - Black History Program There will be a presentation about the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage.
We have invited those persons who are involved with the area black cemeteries and give us updates on their work and activities. This is our follow-up from a previous Juneteenth initiative.
Everyone is welcome. Please bring your family and invite your neighbors!